Friday, April 19, 2013

Allegiant! (The final book in the Divergent trilogy!)

Allegiant: [uh-lee-juhnt] 1. Adjective: Loyal; Faithful 2. Noun: A faithful follower; adherent. 

Announced on April 17, Allegiant is the title of the third and final book in the Divergent series! It was announced by Veronica Roth herself, the author the the popular trilogy, on her twitter page, in her bio. (The link can be found here). I am so excited! I DEFINITELY recommend this book series. It is phenomenal. Let me try and brief you in, and summarize the first book, without giving any spoilers.\
Divergent is set in Chicago...or more specifically, a post-apocalyptic Chicago. The story follows a girl named Beatrice. The city is divided into five factions, each one assigned for a specific trait. You are born into the faction that your parents live in. When you turn sixteen, however, you have the choice to change factions. You are given an aptitude test before that, though, to determine which faction you are most likely to fit best in. The five factions are as follows: Amity: The Peaceful, Erudite: The Intelligent, Candor: The Honest, Abnegation: The Selfless, and Dauntless: The Brave (To take a fan-made aptitude test, click here. You must have a Facebook account and Java installed...or use Photon on the iPad). The story follows Beatrice Prior, a girl from Abnegation. She is turning sixteen, and as the book says, one choice can transform you.

The final book comes out on October 22 of this year (2013, if you've been under a rock). I also have an exclusive cover of Allegiant! It is unknown if this is the real cover, or if it is just fan-made. Either way, it makes me even more excited for the book. Here it is (on the right)! In the center of the book, above the word "Allegiant" you will see the two clasped hands. That is the sign for Abnegation: The Selfless. Below this text are some other pictures. Anyways, that is it for this post! Talk to you guys soon! -Nate

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