Wednesday, April 17, 2013

26 Questions Tag! (Collab with The Green Plumber!)

Hey everyone out there! I decided to collab with The Green Plumber. She owns a blog about Mario and Luigi, so go check her blog out HERE! This is how it works: I'll be posting one half on here, while she has the other half.

The Questions:
1. Do you have any pets?
Nate: Yep! I have two dogs, whose names are Rosie and Luah. Luah is a Catahoula, and we don't know what Rosie is. We got them both at the Humane Society, and they're pretty old. Rosie likes to eat yummy foods, while Luah will eat just about anything.
      Luah has a low platelet-count, and she is on medication. She also tore her ACL in one hind leg, causing her to limp on the other leg, which weakened that one as well. She underwent electrical surgery, where the veterinarians used electrical shocks to "heal" her legs. She walks okay now, but she gets exhausted pretty fast.
      Rosie is a very cunning and I consider her smart. She knows how to open doors, cabinets, and I sometimes talk to her, haha. Once, she escaped from my mom's ex-boyfriend's apartment by opening the door, AND closing it (with the lock in place, so the door was locked and no soul could enter). She fled across the street, and we found her in a Lowe's parking lot, with her paws bleeding, drinking from a pond thing.
Sam: Yes, I have six fish. They're all African cichlids, and their names
are Chiquita, Jewel, Napoleon, Steve, Peacock, and Tiger.

2. Name 3 things physically close to you.
Nate: I have my water bottle, my backpack, and my friend, Sam.
Sam: My iPad, a biology textbook, and my friend Nate.

3. What's the weather like right now?
Nate: Blue skies, a single cloud, and hot. (According to the weather, it should be raining).
Sam: It's pretty cloudy. The community lightning alarm went off a little
while ago. But, of course, the sun is still peeking out through the
clouds and it's still as hot as ever.
Nate: Wait...what?! I thought it was clear...

4. Do you drive, and if so, have you crashed?
Nate: No.
Sam: I do not drive. I don't even have a permit.

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
Nate: I woke up around 6:18 A.M.
Sam: I woke up at 6:15 to turn off my alarm clock, but then I went back to
bed until 6:30.

6. When was the last time you showered?
Nate: I showered last night (as explained in my previous questions tag).
Sam: This morning.

7. What was the last movie you saw?
Nate: I saw 42, a biography/true story about Jackie Robinson. It was great.
Sam: The Game Plan, starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

8. What does your last SMS / text message say?
Nate: "RU guys in the locker room?? (to my friends that take a long time to change)"
Sam: "I'm at the beach, chillin'." Even though I'm not.

9. What is your ring-tone?
Nate: I don't have a's usually just on vibrate (I have a really old phone. FUN FACT: I've never had a phone until I was a freshman in High School, which is now. I needed one so that my mom could call me when she got here to pick me up). If this question refers to other people's ringtones for whenever I call them, then my mom's is "What Makes you Beautiful" by One Direction...haha.
Sam: Whatever standard ringtone came with my phone. I don't even know what it's called.

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Nate: Nope! I don't even have a passport haha (SAD FACT: My mom went with her boyfriend to the Bahamas...without me, since I didn't have a passport).
Sam: Nope. Never. I've been to a bunch of different states, though.

11. Do you like sushi?

Nate: I don't really like it....the concept is awesome, and I'll eat the seaweed, but not the raw stuff. I do eat Califorinia Rolls every once in a while.
Sam: NO.

12. Where do you buy your groceries?
Nate: It varies from Publix and Walmart, to Aldi.
Sam: Publix.

13. Have you ever taken medication to fall asleep?

Nate: Yes, when I was really sick. Nighttime medication for when you're sick is to help you sleep, and for symptoms, right?
Sam: Nope.

That's it everyone! I hope you enjoyed...I did. If you haven't already, go and check out the other half on Sam's blog! The 26th question is my favorite! Until next time...bye! -Nate

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