Sunday, April 14, 2013

50 Questions Tag!

Hey everyone! So I thought it would be fun and easy to do a questions tag...just some random stuff that I'll answer. Feel free to copy/paste the questions from the website found here and comment some answers!(Click Here)

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?  I was eating breakfast with my mom.
2. Who are you in love with? Nobody...unless you count celebrities, which I don't really count as love. I love my family and friends, though.
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Nope. Never.
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes! I have a pink rubber band...and a Victoria Secret Box that holds some of my paintings that I need to hang up in my room.
5. When is the last time you went to the mall? I actually went to the mall today, right after breakfast haha.
6. Are you wearing socks right now? Yup! They're white.
7. Does your family have a car worth over $2,000? Uhhh...yeah!?
8. When was the last time you drove out of town? I think it was when I went to Gainesville to see a UF football game...but I don't remember when (maybe sometime last year).
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? No, although I went to see the Host last Friday.
10. Are you hot? Temperature wise? No. Looks wise? No (BUT...if people are hotter than me, then I'm cooler than them, haha).
11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
12. What are you wearing right now? A black tee from Forever 21, and some blue shorts.
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? I don't have a car...but I would let the car wash do it.
14. Last food that you ate? I had breakfast. I ate a pumpernickel bagel, scrambled eggs, hash browns, two chocolate-chip pancakes, and bacon (FUN FACT: Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, if you haven't noticed).
15. Where were you last week at this time? I don't remember...probably doing some last-minute homework that I procrastinated to do on Saturday.
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? At the mall, I bought two sweaters, some khaki pants, and a sweatshirt.
17. When is the last time you ran? On Friday, during P.E..?
18. What's the last sporting event you watched? I don't watch many sports, so no.
19. What is your favorite animal? I like tigers and sea turtles.
20. Your dream vacation? I want to go to Bora Bora, or the UK (I'm going to LA this summer! Yay!).
21. Last person's house you were in? I went to my grandmother's house on Friday.
22. Worst injury you've ever had? I've never had a big I would say none.
23. Have you been in love? No...BUT Love is a ruthless game, unless you play it good and right- Taylor Swift.
24. Do you miss anyone right now? I think it's in human nature that you always miss someone. I do.
25. Last play you saw? Wicked.
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My smile? I have really pretty teeth.
27. What are your plans for tonight? Eat dinner, and then fold clothes and watch The Amazing Race (Go #TeamYoutube! I'm rooting for you, Joey and Meghan!)
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment? Is MySpace still a thing?! I don't even know.
29. Next trip you are going to take? I'm going to LA in the summer, hopefully.
30. Ever go to camp? No.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school? I'm still in school, and I just got honor roll.
32. What do you want to know about the future? I want to know what I will end up doing in my life (as in my occupation).
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Yeah, I'm wearing the cologne from Hollister. I just love the smell in there (FUN FACT: When I was little, my mom would push me in the little stroller through Hollister, while I ate Mrs. Fields cookies. Hollister has a sentimental connection with me, haha)
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?  Yes, I go every year in October, or November, I think.
35. Where is your best friend? Right now, I think she's in Hong Kong. Her name is Valerie.

She travels a lot (we were friends since we were little. In the picture, she's on the right. That was when I had really long hair).
36. How is your best friend? She's doing okay. She's coming down to Florida to visit in the summer, around July 17.
37. Do you have a tan? Yes, but I consider it more of a skin problem. I used to be really pale, but now I'm really dark [insert sad Nate here]. I don't like my skin color now.
38. What are you listening to right now? Nothing at the moment. I've been listening to Taylor Swift's new album, RED.
39. Do you collect anything? I collect seashells.
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? My entire school gossips a lot. In fact, I wonder what people think about me...
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? I don't drive.
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Yes. (FUN FACT: Did you know that the little can-lid thing on soda cans is to hold the straw?!)
43. What does your last text message say? "Do you need milk?" I replied "I have a half of a half gallon." (FUN FACT: I just recently started drinking 2% milk. I have always drank whole milk, until now).
44. Do you like hot sauce? I'm not a fan of spicy foods. I like soy-sauce though.
45. Last time you took a shower? Last night. (I take showers at night because it makes more sense. I mean, yes you can take a shower in the morning to freshen up, but you're basically sleeping in all of the germs that you accumulated throughout the day).
46. Do you need to do laundry? I just did my laundry. I do the laundry on weekends.
47 What is your heritage? I am Asian? Specifically, Chinese.
48. Are you someone's best friend? I hope so...
49. Are you rich? No. My mom is actually in a financial crisis...she can't afford to drop me off at school, which is 30-40 mins away, and then my mom has to go to work, which is in the opposite direction, about an hour away.
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night? I was reading a series I've liked since Middle-School. It's called the Kingdom Keepers, and it's about five kids who venture throughout the Disney Parks at night.

That's it guys! I hope you enjoyed reading this...I had fun answering questions. Anyways, have a happy rest of your Sunday!

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