Saturday, November 23, 2013

CATCHING FIRE!!! :D (A review of the soundtrack...sorta)

Wow. I'm so late to the party...
Hey guys! So Catching Fire came out yesterday, and I'm so thrilled!! I have not been able to see
it...although I made plans to see it yesterday, they were foiled :( so now I'm seeing CF next week, with my friends! I have heard many great things about Catching Fire, like how it was so true to the book, best movie ever, etc. Eeeep! I just can't contain my excitement.

I also purchased the soundtrack, which I think is a pretty awesome soundtrack. Some of the artists on the soundtrack include Lorde, Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Ellie Goulding, Christina Aguilera, Mikky Ekko, The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men, Sia, and many more! My favorites are as listed:
  • "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" - cover by Lorde (originally sung by Tears for Fears).
This cover is truly amazing. I remember hearing the original song on the radio when I was little, and it's insane how much Lorde changed the song into something completely new and different. I feel like the lyrics fit the book so well...omg it's just amazing. You can listen to it here!
  • "Atlas" - Coldplay
This song has been out for a while now, and I've even heard it on the radio a few times. At first, I was skeptical about it. But now....I think I've figured it out. The message is clear: I think it's about Katniss taking the stand as the Mockingjay, and how she struggles with carrying the weight of protecting so many people. She must give hope to those who need it, and truly save Panem from destruction. Listen to the song here! (The lyric video is pretty amazing too).
  • "Mirrors" - Ellie Goulding
I just like this song. Okay? It has references to star-crossed lovers, etc. Basically, I feel like this is talking about Katniss finding herself (her self-identity...). It's almost like a summation of the events in the book "My head full of terror, of the games I played so well"...and "I try to forget the fires I started".I like it :3 Listen to the song here! :)

Fan-Made Cover :)
Okay well that's it, I guess! I also like "Who We Are" by Imagine Dragons...actually, I like pretty much all of the songs on the soundtrack. Ok? They're perfectly suited for the movie.

Since I'm not able to see the movie until next week, I have been watching a few things to cope for my loss. Here is the link to THG official Youtube. They have tons of clips and trailers to watch to get you pumped up! Here is the link to a funny spoof of CF, done by Sesame Street ;) I loved it....but the second puzzles was tricky lol.

Anyway, that is it guys! I'll be back next week (or later, depending..) with a review of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (the movie, not the soundtrack). If I don't get back before Thanksgiving...I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

Until then....tick tock.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Allegiant is out today!!!

Well hello there everyone!
I'm so sorry...I've been so caught up in schoolwork, midterms, PSAT's...and everything else (ugh), that I haven't had enough time to update this blog!! I have failed as an owner </3 However, I have some very insane news for you today...if you've had a rough day, just struggling to get by, then I have some good news!!
As stated by the title of this post....
Yes, believe it, it's finally out. After months of waiting, it's here!! If you don't know what Allegiant is, it's the third and final book in the Divergent Trilogy.

Last night, I stayed up until 12:00 am just to see it come out on iBooks. It was ins
ane..everyone was freaking out on Instagram (by the way, follow me on Instagram @nate_skate) (yes, shameless self-promotion, get on my level).

Alright. I was so excited to get the book after school...until I actually went.
It was sad. I went to the bookstore, just hoping that they would have just one more copy left...and nothing. The shelves were empty, all of the Allegiant books stripped from the wooden planks, leaving them barren and forsaken with emptiness.

However...there were those boxed sets that were available, and I literally stared at Allegiant through the plastic covering, I didn't have any of the material books (I read them all on the Kindle App), and I wanted to buy them and showcase them on my bookcase. BUT....the price was just unbelievable. $60.00 for 3 books. That's $20.00 per book, but I was thinking...shouldn't there be some sort of incentive of buying the set? Maybe $10.00 off or something? Idk.

There were also some very annoying teens up in that area and my gOSH WERE THEY ANNOYING. I was just so heartbroken and delusional...I couldn't think straight. I went and got another book that I wanted (the second book in the City of Bones series!!). I went to the checkout...and my heart dropped once again. There, I see it: Allegiant, in the arms of a young girl (probably around 11-12yrs old). She was clutching it, her well-dressed father beside her (which gave me the idea that they were rich and what not). And I just lost it...I couldn't even.

Okay and end comes to end as they went up the the cashier and bought the book. I watched them walk out...grhhhh. I should be saying "Oh, I'm glad that she has the chance to read it. Go her!" but I just can't feel that way, and I know that ranting is not the right thing to do, but I just can't let my emotions build up inside me...

I go up to the cashier and the total is $13.77. Not realizing the actual total, I give her $13.00. I did this accidentally, and I know why. It was because I failed my goal, and down in the dumps...anyway, I buy my book and walk out of the store. Halfway across the parking lot, I realize that I bought the wrong was supposed to be City of Ashes, but I'd accidentally bought City of Glass. I was just so focused on getting Allegiant, and then my disappointment clouded my actions...

I was pretty much dysfunctional the rest of the day. I went to buy some peanut butter from Whole Foods (you know the ground up peanut butter they have?). I fill it up wayyyyy too much, just barely letting me shut the lid. I go and pay for it...and I forget to put the sticker on the peanut butter to let the cashier know what kind it is.

So now I'm here blogging, procrastinating schoolwork, and just feeling sleepy. I bought Allegiant on Amazon, and it's expected to get here on Friday. Anyway, go buy Allegiant! I highly recommend this series to anyone and everyone! Just make sure to reserve a copy at your bookstore or library, or just order it online.
Have an awesome day!! <4 (that reference though).

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Catching Fire: 20 New Stills!

Hey guys!
So recently, Lionsgate released 20 new stills of the Catching Fire Cast! I absolutely love them, because they showcase the emotions and personalities of each unique character. To give you a sneak are some on the right side :) To browse and fangirl/fanboy over ALL of the new stills, be sure to check out! This link will take you straight there!! also has some amazing giveaways and contests, so be sure to check those out too :)

ANNOUNCEMENT: The cast of Mockingjay is now in Atlanta, Georgia, shooting Mockingjay Part 1! You can check out who was casted at The Hunger Games Official Facebook Page, or here!

ALSO: The Catching Fire pins are to be sold/released on Sepember 30th!

ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT: There's a new Catching Fire poster! It's actually on a billboard for the highway and stuff, and I think it looks amazing!! This just makes me more excited for the movie itself....heck, it kinda makes me think that I'm a Capitol citizen, and there are advertisements for The 75th Hunger Games....haha but I'm not rich so... :P How do you like the new poster/billboard, and the new stills of the Catching Fire cast? Tell me in the comments below! I would love to know <3
'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' New Poster!
Anyway, that is all for today! I'll try and keep you guys updated on everything..and with that, have an awesome weekend! :D

Sunday, September 8, 2013

(QUICK POST): Tell 'em it's my birthday! :D

Hey guys! Well it's my 15th birthday!! :D Today has been just...awesome. I went out with my friends to this trampoline center, and I had such a fun time. There were a lot of people, but it was still enjoyable. :P I have been eating cookie cake nonstop (if you don't know what that is, it's basically a giant cookie with frosting on it), ever since September 7th (I celebrated at my mom's work...she surprised me). It's been awesome...and I got pretty much everything that I wanted for my birthday. Special thanks to my family for loving and caring about me...I love you! <3 And to my friends who celebrated with're the best! :D And to those of you who just read this blog (anonymously, for the most part)...massive thanks to you!

(P.S. I will resume posting....when I find new content. BTW, have you heard Coldplay's new song, "Atlas" that was written for the Catching Fire soundtrack? I see a little bit of a Catching Fire theme in there...but I need a bit more clarification on the whole meaning of the song. I think it's about Katniss, and how she becomes a symbol of rebellion, and a savior of those in the districts (I'll carry your world). The link to the song is HERE, if you haven't heard it yet. Tell me your thoughts below! I'd love to hear them <3)