Firstly, I did not read the books. I know I know.....shame on me. After this movie, though, it kinda makes me wanna read the books. I do not like reading books after I've watched the movie,
To prove that I really DID go and see the movie, I will spoil only one thing.... It is not part of the plot, so don't worry. So the first song that played when the movie began was "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" by Fallout Boy. (IDK if you guys already know that....but I didn't). So...yeah. I think you guys should just believe me anyway, and just go with it. If this is not sufficient proof, then I am sorry. I might actually have a picture of my ticker...I'll have to see where it is. I'll update this post later on, once I get through my work. Ok BAI! -Nate
Oh1 One more's the trailer if you haven't seen it. :) CLICK HERE. The movie comes out on August 7th, and I was able to see it on August 1st :)
(Quick story: I never believed people that would say they saw the movie before it came out. There was this one kid that claimed he saw movies before they were out alllllll the time, and I was so sick of it. Now, I know that it's possible....sorry kid out there. Forgive :) Not mentioning a name since...idk it's weird)
(PS. Logan Lerman <333 loved him in The Perks of Being a Wallflower...and Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. I think that's what is was called....both were amazing haha).
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