Sunday, April 7, 2013

Let's Talk Movies!!

Hey everyone! So I just wanted to talk about some movies, and give some reviews. I'll post the trailers to these movies as well (if any), and maybe get you interested. Just so you know, I am not a big movie fan/junkie. I rarely watch movies, but when I do, they turn out to be really good. Some movies, I want to go see, but I just don't like the crowds and the whole "cinema experience" (you know...the kid that always kicks your seat, the sick person that decides to sneeze on you, etc.).

     As for my movie taste, I generally like a good plot. I noticed that I've been watching many post-apocalyptic movies and TV shows, as well as reading post-apocalyptic books too. Some post-apocalyptic books that I've read and LOVED are The Hunger Games trilogy, and the Divergent trilogy. I also like sob/tragic stories, like Marley and Me, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. although I have still yet to watch The Notebook. Action, Mystery, Fantasy, and Comedy are all great movie genres that I can never turn down. One genre that I am not typically fond of is Horror. I never really watched scary movies. When I was little, I usually just watched The Matrix and Charlie's Angels, along with your typical Disney movies (I LOVED Aladdin. I still do).

     Okay so on to the movies!! A movie I really enjoyed was The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Now, a wallflower is a connotation, and not just a pretty flower. It's a name you give people that are observant, one who "clings to walls" at school dances, etc. I would probably be considered a wallflower, since I only have a few good friends and I am not the social person that I try to be. I might also be the point where it may be considered eavesdropping... Anyways, this movie is just amazing. It's a tale of a wallflower, a freshman teen in high school named Charlie. He struggles with socialization, but all he really wants are good friends. There's a lot more to it than that, though, but I feel like if I say what, then it'll be a spoiler of sorts. I don't like when people give spoilers's a pet peeve of mine. (P.S. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is also a book).

Next is The Hunger Games!!! Now, I love Los Juegos Del Hambre. It is such a tragic story...and the movie portrays that elegantly. I loved every single part of it. It is a post-apocalyptic movie, meaning the setting is after some sort of apocalypse, or just like another version of our world. After the last rebellion, the Capitol, which is basically the government, creates the Hunger Games. "And it was decreed that each year, each of the twelve districts of Panem must offer up one courageous man and woman between the ages of 12 and 18 to be trained in the art of survival, and to be prepared to fight to the death." This implies that there are 24 tributes in total, one man and woman between the ages of 12 and 18, with a total of 2 from each of the 12 districts. Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist of the story, faces these challenges in getting reaped from her district (spoiler!?). That is all I'm giving away. You'll just have to read the books (it's a book, FYI) or watch the movie to find out more!

Now I am reviewing The Host! I actually just saw it yesterday, and it was pretty good. It is another post-apocalyptic movie about "aliens" or foreign life forms that come to take over Earth...but not in the way you think. These life forms look like spirit flowers (similar to the ones in Avatar), and they occupy human hosts, kinda like viruses and diseases. When you are infected with the "alien", you are under their control; forced to live the perfect society in which they have recreated Earth to be. They take over the human mind and body. The story follows the character of Melanie Stryder, who becomes infected with the alien and is a host. That is really all I can give away, but trust me, it's an intriguing story. Since this book was written by the same author that wrote Twilight it has a similar concept: the love triangle. I personally don't like Twilight, but the love triangle isn't as present in The Host.

That's it! I actually wanted to talk about the Divergent movie...ooh! Although, there really is no trailer, just the castings. I decided not to talk about it for that reason (but in my opinion, Theo James is too old to play Tobias! Just saying...but since Veronica Roth herself approves, then we'll see). Talk to you soon! -Nate

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